Contact 24hr emergency service 262-754-5144
Contact 24hr emergency service 262-754-5144

If Your Hydraulic Machinery Has a Problem, We Have the SOLUTION

Hydraulics Repair Service SOLUTIONS

Hydraulic Repair WisconsinWhen industry manufacturers call us, our customers know we fix every problem the first time, at a faster speed than anyone. A hydraulic repair service expert understands you absolutely cannot wait on faulty hydraulic equipment. Our personal mission is to keep hydraulic equipment everywhere in the Midwest working at maximum operation 365 days a year.

Hydraulic Parts Distributing SOLUTIONS

Hydraulic Parts DistributionAs a proud distributor of Lehigh Fluid Power, as well as several other manufacturers, Hydraulic Solutions has spent over 30 years mastering the details which keep every piece of hydraulic machinery and equipment working at full potential. Every hydraulic cylinder and valve used is of unbeatable quality, handled with the expert precision only a hydraulic parts distributor can provide. Wisconsin, Illinois, and Michigan are all home to loyal customers who rely on us for all of their hydraulic parts.

Hydraulic Design Engineering SOLUTIONS

Hydraulic Design EngineeringAs hydraulic design engineers, our crew offers custom solutions for all types of industry equipment and machinery. From material handling and construction equipment to municipal and transportation equipment, Hydraulic Solutions has been there. With a deep-rooted commitment to always being on time and on budget, we value quality above all else. Our hydraulic design and repair case studies contain detailed information, chronicling the sheer scope and breadth of jobs we have completed.

Contact our hydraulics repair service professionals today.